Liebster Award

liebster award

So this is pretty awesome!  I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by Tea in the Tub. Thank you so much Helen!!  I was quite shocked to be nominated all the way from the U.K. and so flattered. Especially since I still feel like such a newbie, trying to find my own rhythm for blogging and constantly struggling or hitting set backs (aka life gets in the way). So anyways, what is a Liebster Award you may ask? Well below is a list of rules to receive the Liebster Award and the answers to the questions I was asked, followed by my list of nominees & my list of questions for them :).


The Rules

1. You must link back to the person that nominated you.

2. You must answer the 11 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee.

3. You must pick 11 bloggers to be nominated for the award with 200 or under followers.

4. You must come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer.

5. You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees.


Questions I was asked by Tea in the Tub

1.  Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog because I was going to Australia for 4 months and not all of my friends are on Facebook, I wanted to have a place where I could share my travel photos and stories without having to send out mass emails…pretty much I’m a bit lazy! I had no idea I would continue blogging once I returned home, but it seemed weird to just quit and I found that it was such a lovely outlet for me to express my thoughts, feelings and photos in. I’ve absolutely loved blogging – I’m not always the most consistent blogger but it’s been such a fun ride and I am really loving the blogging community.

2.  What have you learned from your blog?

I’ve learned to believe in myself again and I’ve learned to find my “voice” if that makes any sense. Picture This My Way has become a safe place for me to freely express myself – what I’m struggling with, what I’m loving, who I’m becoming. I am so excited to keep growing and learning from this experience of  blogging and sharing my love for traveling, photography and writing.

3.  When you aren’t blogging, what do you do for fun?

I love to take pictures for fun – I like to go out and get inspired by whatever is around me – to look at things in new ways, to experiment with techniques I’m learning in school, and just to clear my head. Photography gives me a fresh perspective on things.


I also am an avid reader and lover of music so I’m usually trying to discover new bands or have my nose stuck in a good book. I’m currently reading “The Secret Keeper” by Kate Morton, and right this minute I’m listening to this awesome playlist on 8tracks:

4.  Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I hope to see myself more comfortable and confident in my abilities as a photographer, I hope I will have graduated from my photography program and have started up my own part time business. I hope that I will continue to see life through the lens of my camera in new and surprising ways, and that I will always look for the light. I hope that I will have traveled to new and exciting places and have had 10 years worth of adventure and discovery. I hope that I will still be me, just the best version on myself.

5.  If you were stranded on a deserted island, which 3 items would you like with you?

My Camera, my Journal and my Bible.

6.  Which country would you most like to travel?

This is such a HARD question because there are so many places that I want to go to!! Honestly my answer to this question depends on what day it is, but today right in this moment I want to go to The Maldives. I want to go meet my new friend Amy from the Snail Mail Collective project, I want to go to the picnic islands she told me all about and camp out unplugged on the beach by the sea. I want to eat some of her fish stew and watch the sun set.

7.  What is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?

My biggest accomplishment so far was going on my trip to Australia by myself for 4 months and discovering who I was again and what I love.

Just laying around...

Just laying around…

One of my favorite quotes sums it up: “It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy.” – Lucille Ball

8.  Your favourite Youtuber/Blogger at the moment?

A Beautiful Mess – Emma and Elsie are two awesome sisters who have tons of style and personality! I love their blog for all kinds of great DIY and creative ideas from recipes, to photography, wardrobe styling, home decor and more!

9.  What is your favourite season and why?

Fall – because of the all the changing colors – there is something sad and beautiful in the falling leaves signifying the end and the beginning of something all at the same time. I also love Fall because that’s when pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks are available AND Fall means I can wear all my lovely scarves and gorgeous boots. It means lots of cozy layers, long walks in the crisp air, and good conversations paired with a hot cuppa tea!


10.  Guilty pleasure?

Watching Pretty Little Liars – I’m addicted to that show!! I cannot even stand to think of Ezra being A!

11.  Tell me a surprising fact about yourself.

I can’t whistle. Seriously no sound comes out not even a little bit, not even at all…it’s kinda sad.


My Nominees


SLR – See Love Remember



Simply Allis

Lipstick with some Sunshine


About giving and receiving

Curious Nook


It’s hard to dance


My questions for my nominees

1. What made you start blogging?

2. What’s been your greatest challenge on your blog so far?

3. Who is your greatest influence?

4. What do you love to do in your spare time?

5. What big ticket item is on your wishlist right now?

6. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?

7. What is something you’re proud of creating/making/doing recently?

8. Name one thing you couldn’t live a day without.

9. What music are you listening to right now?

10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

11. Tell me a surprising fact about yourself.


So that’s the Liebster Award! I hope you enjoy checking out all my nominees! They’re all amazing bloggers and I’m excited to see their answers to the questions if they choose to accept :).



8 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Pingback: The Liebster Award | it's hard to dance

  2. So happy to know that you nominated me. Will let you know once I publish my post. Btw, A Beautiful Mess is my favorite blog. I just love how dedicated and creative the two sisters are 🙂

  3. Pingback: Weekend Catch-up #6 | PictureThis MyWay

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